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Gaza Conflict Death Toll Rises As Hamas And Israel Clash

Gaza Conflict: Death Toll Rises as Hamas and Israel Clash

Intense Fighting Claims Dozens of Children's Lives

UNICEF Calls for Urgent Action to Protect Innocent Victims

Intense hostilities continued on Tuesday in Gaza between Hamas fighters and Israeli forces, leaving a devastating toll on civilians. A double-digit number of children have been killed, raising the total number of child fatalities in Gaza to dozens.

Two children have also lost their lives in Israel as the conflict escalates. The figures do not include Palestinian child fatalities in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.

The ongoing crisis has sparked international outrage, with UNICEF calling for an immediate end to the violence and protection for all children.

"UNICEF is deeply disturbed by the escalating violence in the Gaza Strip," said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. "Children are being killed, injured, and traumatized at an alarming rate. This must stop."

UNICEF is working around the clock to provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict. The organization is providing safe water, food, shelter, and medical supplies to families in need.

UNICEF also calls for the immediate reopening of schools, as education is a lifeline for children in conflict-affected areas. Schools provide a sense of normalcy and stability, and they can help children to recover from the trauma they have experienced.

The world must come together to protect the innocent victims of the Gaza conflict. UNICEF urges all parties to cease fire and to work towards a peaceful resolution.
